Tuesday, March 18, 2014

The "Each 1, Teach 1 Crochet" Challenge Starts Now!

Today I started a brand new challenge called "Each 1 Teach 1 Crochet!" It's in celebration of National Crochet Month, which goes thru the end of March. But this challenge will continue on the whole year round! Check out the article about the challenge here.

So sorry I have been absent from my blog for awhile. A combination of things caused this - most notably the long illness and passing of my beloved Scrappy Jack Schnauzer on February 10. I've kept crocheting all along, and there are lots of new free patterns up... I just haven't told anyone about most of them except through SoCrafty online magazine.

Scrappy Jack contracted a horrible MRSA infection during a dental procedure the day before Thanksgiving. He fought a brave battle, enduring awful procedures and lots of medications. We kept him as pain free as we could, believing eventually they would find the right combination of antibiotics to get him well. Sadly, on February 9, SJ suffered a stroke that left him half blind and unable to walk. He gave me "the look" that said, "Enough, Mom." That was that. I spent most of a night and morning cuddling him and giving him lots of treats and love, and then we gently sent him on to Rainbow Bridge. My heart is still broken but of course my other furry kids keep me "in the game." Here is my baby boy as I want to remember him.

Scrappy Jack cheerfully puts up with yet another ride to the vet.

We have an old friend back with us, Mr. Whizzer! He is a 13 year old Miniature Schnauzer who was adopted out from my rescue back in 2011. He was returned to us recently because the owner's life situation had changed. Whizzer had been being kept in a cage 20 hours a day for God knows how long. Thankfully the owner made the decision to return him to me. At first, he was very stiff and got around very slowly. It has been a joy watching Whizzer come back to life and remember how to be a real dog! Now he is fascinated with his motion activated animal noise ball and my biggest job is keeping it in batteries! He is going in this Friday for his dental procedure and of course, I am terrified of a repeat of Scrappy's illness. I just have to have faith that all will be well because he is in pain from his rotten teeth and they need to go.

On the crochet front... I am working on a project I'm very excited about! I have owned this particular scarf design for several years (actually, several of them) and I decided to recreate it in crochet. It will be unique because it can be used as 1) A full scarf/poncho; 2) Unbuttoned as a single long scarf; or 3) laid out flat, as a wonderful lapghan! I am about halfway finished with it. It's done almost entirely in JoAnn's Angel Hair yarn, which feels amazing, in a rainbow of colors with a black background between. Loving this project! It will be beginner level easy, too!

My current work in progress
On a personal note, another reason I've been less visible is that I've been going through a flare of my neuromuscular disease, Myasthenia Gravis. Last week I had five consecutive IV transfusions and will continue to have them weekly for a couple of months, which will hopefully kick me out of this flare. It causes me difficulties with vision, hand dexterity, and the ability to sit up straight! Hate that... but I can still crochet! But seriously, prayers and/or good thoughts are much appreciated! I hate it when I get down this far.

That's about it for the moment... please check www.squidoo.com doing a search for SheilaSchnauzies and you will turn up all of my crochet and other articles. You can also visit my free crochet pattern index here although I need to update it with the recent patterns! Workin' on it...

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