Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Yes, I know this pic is crooked.  If I had Photoshop going, I'd fix it.  But.... this is a picture about best friends, not photography.  This is my fairy goddaughter Laurie.  I adore her. Always have, since I met her when she was just 4 years old! She is my friend Sally's daughter.  

This picture is taken at Laurie's beautiful home.  She has the eye of an artist in her decorating. Everything is so well coordinated, creative and out of the ordinary. LOVE her house and things.  She gets this skill honestly, as her mom is also a great decorator.  When I walked into Laurie's the other night to visit she and her  mom, who was up visiting from KC, I realized that Laurie's house is just like Sally's house... when you walk in, you are HOME.  It's just a feeling, hard to describe.  

To her left is Lucky Dog.  I adore him too. He's a big, loveable 11 year old boy.  Very shy! It took him close to two hours to come over and get a piece of cheese from me! (I never give up!) He finally did, and before the evening was over he surprised me by smacking me with his paw to shake hands! I should go and see him more often, he's a sweetie. 

Laurie's two daughters, Lacey and Chelsea, are just angels. Such good girls and smart, sweet personalities - I truly do love them both.  

Nothing new to report with me, still on the IV antibiotics at home, just trying to get a few more things done before the Oct 10 hip surgery. If it happens that is. I'll believe it when I see it! 

The flowers and weather are just amazing right now. Everything is so happy. I was so inspired I finally got cushions for my patio furniture. We'll see how long those last... 

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