Thursday, September 22, 2011

Still Mending!

I always expect, when I have some medical crisis happen, that once everything is figured out and treated or fixed, I should bounce back right away and be able to "hit it."  Meaning, be productive.  Today I woke up sore all over and feeling like warmed over death, and just could not get going. The worst of this is the chills. Just can't shake them. We don't have the heat on yet and while it's not actually cold in here, it stays in the low 60's. That along with chills is just misery. I can't get warm no matter what I do.

The nurses called and said they wanted to come this morning to do my IV and I actually said no.  Not for at least two hours anyway!  Finally around noon I managed to get myself cleaned up and dressed and put on my face for the first time in a few days.  That in itself felt a lot better!  Got the dishes done, tidied up the house just a bit, and by 2 I felt strong enough to go outside and get some fresh air for a few minutes.

I turned on the water and picked up the garden hose to water the container plants and the new babies in my 'out my window' garden, and promptly sprayed myself right in my newly-applied face full force with the hose. Well, that really woke me up, I suppose!  I watered kind of in a daze, kept twisting up the hose and doing awkward things.  I quit and went indoors and the nurse arrived right after that. She asked me to do my blood sugar and it was only 53!! No wonder I was out of it!  Luckily Heidi had just arrived with fresh baked white chocolate chip macadamia nut cookies... so that fixed me right up. I have no idea why my blood sugar went so low, but it got by me - I had no idea. Not good. I'll have to keep a closer eye on it. Maybe it's the infection, the antibiotics, who knows.

Was a bit miffed today when the nurse asked if I could just take out my own IV after the infusion was done. I mean, I've dealt with ports and picc lines but IV's kinda creep me out.  For an $8,000 visit, not the greatest level of service.  'm-I bad? I did it anyway but just didn't like it.

Koby is doing so great! I really need to weigh him again. I'm sure he's up near 20 pounds. He really has his routine down! He's like a little alarm clock.  8:45 am he starts "moo-ing" for his breakfast.  6:45 p.m., same thing.  He cracks me up. Lately he has decided he likes to take a little nap in his kennel after he eats. (I put him in his kennel to eat so the other dogs won't eat his food).   I read tonight about a friend's cat who was not able to get insulin for three days due to a flood, and despite heroic efforts, died today. So sad.  I just hate illness. In dogs, in people... it is always so unfair.

I'm so sad to see the first tinges of color on the trees. Fall is going to come early, no two ways about it. There's a frost advisory out tonight for our adjoining county to the north. I need to get the plants indoors for sure this weekend or it's going to catch me unprepared.  Always hate that, it's such a mess and makes things more crowded indoors for the winter. But I can't leave them out, no way am I going to lose them! Last year I brought in two pots of Gerbera daisies and I was so thrilled when they made it through the winter and bloomed again outdoors this summer. This year I'll have to try and save the geraniums Ron got me, and the mimosa trees I grew from seeds in the pots (here are both, together), and of course my bougainvillea must come in... I have a gorgeous Lantana that got just huge and I've never tried to save one of those. Sigh. I know one thing, with all the transplanting I've done this summer, I will have some beautiful gardens next summer as they all mature!

My sister Celia is coming this weekend and I'm so excited! I haven't seen her since about May, I guess, when I went down to visit her for the weekend. That was the precise weekend my left hip (the unreplaced one) gave out. I'll never forget that Sunday morning. Things are much better now and hopefully that hip will finally get replaced on Oct 10 as scheduled this time! I refused having a new port or picc line put in just for that reason. I don't want ANY avoidable cause of potential infection to interfere with this surgery again! Three postponements are more than enough.

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