Friday, August 12, 2011

Way Too Early Friday Morning

Almost time to go to bed - I'm up late because I napped earlier.My son John made his chicken taco "bake" and it was great. He is really sweet, he cooks sometimes on my IV days and comes up with some pretty wonderful things!

Still no news about surgery Monday. Waiting on a call from a doc tomorrow, will either get the nod or not. If yes, I have lots of appointments and stuff to do tomorrow.  If no... nothing. I don't really care one way r the other, at least right now. I'm sure I will later, but it's been a "good hip week" meaning it's not the killer, OMG I'm gonna die pain like it gets sometimes. I can deal with this awhile if I have to.  On the bright side, I can continue with my somewhat manic reorganiation phase I've been in for a couple of weeks. I can enjoy this gorgeous late summer weather we're having. I can... get more stuff done. That would be a good thing.  Websites to write, people to see, things to do.

I did spend a lot of time sitting out on the patio today, but didn't touch (or water!) a plant.  And right now hurray, it's thunderstorming! Now that makes me happy.  I adore thunderstorms, always have.  I have several windchimes around and I enjoy hearing them.

Well, absolutely nothing exciting to write about.  It was an okay day.  I finished working on Koby's (my diabetic schnauzer) website and got it up.  (Check it out)

I'm discovering one of the most fun things about having a blog is an excuse to look through 
my photos and see what I'd like to share! This is a storm photo I took last summer in Omaha, NE. 

Well, off to dreamland for now.  Hoping for a cool, rainy day tomorrow that makes me feel like cleaning house! It needs it...

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