Monday, October 31, 2011

Happiest Halloween In A Long Time!

Next to Thanksgiving and Christmas, I think Halloween has to be one of my favorite holidays.  I love it all, from the candy corn to the ghost stories, scary music, and tiny trick-or-treaters in little princess costumes.  It's just too much! 

Last year I spent my Halloween in the hospital (ugh!).  I was really disappointed, so much in fact that I made a foray to the hospital gift shop and bought candy to give out to the nurses! I also bought a little fuzzy spider headband so I could "dress up."  

This year was much more fun! Although I'm not walking real well yet, I was able to do some basic dress-up which was fun - Halloween gives me an excuse to wear my makeup the way I really want to, LOL!! Just kidding... 

Anyway here is my costume for this year.  You know where it went? To the surgeon's for a followup appointment (I think he really liked it!) and to the grocery store  to pick up a few things for dinner. 

I never could decide if I was a she-devil (with the horns) or a pet psychic (ditch the horns, add dog collar!)  Anyway I had fun! My 24 year old daughter scoffed at my suggestion she dress up... reminding me of her advanced age! I told her in 25 years she'd be my age and hopefully having a lot more fun!  I refuse to grow up and be a dignified senior citizen! Nah. 

Several of my furkids got in on the act, too.  Here are the three girls - SueSue, Winnie and Ladybug, all dressed up in their costumes. Following that is my little blind Koby, dressed up in the Ladybug outfit! He knew something special was going on, and darned if he didn't camp out by the front door with me to hand out candy! He was a total angel the whole time and never barked or left my side.  I adore Koby. My other helper was Ladybug, who curiously greeted everyone but barked at no one. She was fabulous. The other two were relegated to their rooms for barking violations after the first couple doorbells. 

We had 13 trick or treaters in all - just a nice number without being overwhelmed. Ron reminded me I had no trick or treaters the whole four years we lived down on the farm. So this was a whole different Halloween for a change. 

The other day, I DVR'd all the old Roseanne Halloween episodes, and spent an afternoon yesterday watching all of them. Her Halloween episodes still kill me.  

Well, lots more to tell but I'm so sleepy I can't hold my eyes open - so will sign off for now. 'Night everyone!

Saturday, October 29, 2011

Grey Autumn Saturday... Loved It!

Since I was a little kid, walking home from school on Park Street, I've been in love with Autumn.  The smells of drifting leaves, the gusty winds, the gray late October skies, now and then the scent of burning leaves; I love it all.  Here is a picture I took yesterday of the pretty trees on our street. 

I sneaked outside today with my walker (hey, it's only 3 weeks postop on Monday!) and did a bit of desperately needed gardening. It was easy; I had to work on a container.  I had put a bunch of plants together for a plant trade right before I went to the hospital, and didn't make it to get them shipped. They've been wrapped up in the kitchen for over three weeks and were looking a bit scary. Since they were all perennials, the best medicine was to get their feet back in dirt outside, and allow them to freeze tonight. Sounds a bit harsh, eh.  I figure half of them will survive. I'll have to send a double package to the poor shorted trader in the Spring. I feel bad, but I did what I could do before the surgery, and it wasn't enough. 

Brought in my hanging fern and a basket of petunias that were still just to pretty to allow to freeze tonight. I always have trouble with the first frost. I like my plants green and alive! But they'll all be back in the spring and I will be feeling so much better by then, it'll be amazing.

I was so gratified today with the response to Harry's memorial site.  For one of my sites to get over 200 visits in 48 hours is quite amazing. But then I don't think I've ever worked quite as hard to promote anything before. I want everyone in the world to read his story and take something away from it. 

Bailey escaped his haircut today, lucky boy.  Tomorrow he is doomed.  I'm in a flare brought on by the antibiotics they have me on, so didn't get a whole lot done. 

Ron came home from Walmart and was all excited because he happened to run into a Halloween costume that was a Ladybug... and he wanted me to see it so I could get it for our Ladybug of course. So I guess there's my first trip to Walmart in my near future. 

Went out to eat for the first time last night, ate at a Mexican place on 72nd Street... I think it was called Salgado's but I'm not sure... anyway, it was quite different and not bad at all.  During this phase of recovery it's really easier not to go out... the whole walker thing is very annoying to deal with.  Once I can do a cane, it's much easier to go places. 

I just finished an illusion necklace with a gorgeous picture Peruvian Opal pendant I've been saving for something special for years, and the stones were Goldstone, tiger's eye, Citrine, freshwater pearls, poppy jasper, carnelian, blue goldstone, (which is actually black), and black tourmaline.  I was doing leopard colors. Quite happy with how it  turned out, we'll see how it wears.  I crochet these necklaces out of tiny fishing line and this itty bitty crochet hook.  I have dexterity problems and eyesight problems - could I find anything more challenging? Somehow my hands have just learned to cooperate with doing it. It's weird that I can. 

Thursday, October 27, 2011

Today Was A Bit Better!

I've spent most of the last two days working through my grief over the loss of Harry Schnauzer by sharing his story everywhere I can on the web, through emails, etc.  It can never change what happened, but it can increase awareness and make rescuers think twice in some situations, perhaps... as I will. I really am gratified by the number of people visiting his web page, and I hope they will spread the link far and wide. The more people who read his story, the better.

I  have been working on an afghan for a few months now, and I'm finally ready to unveil pictures of it now that it is almost done. It's at that stage where you have to cover up with it as you work it, and it's so decadent it often puts me into a nap! That's why I'm calling it the "Decadent Indulgence Afghan." It is exactly that.  The roots of this project were formed three years ago, when I started the similarly decadent dog sweater project. I shopped for the yarns with the most soft, luxurious feel to them in color themes. One time I'd go shopping for browns, another time for purples, etc.  These were designed in stripes, so along with all the colors there would always be another couple of whites or creams tossed in.

Last year, I designed a hooded scarf with pockets, and I did it the same way - color themes with more whites and creams for stripes. I remember more than one time at JoAnn's or Hobby Lobby where I'd be on one of my yarn shopping adventures, and someone would come up to me and comment on how beautiful my cart looked with all the various gorgeous soft or sparkly yarns! That was so much fun.

Well, after all of these dog sweaters and scarves were made, I ended up with one big yarn stash - and enough of the whites and creams for an entire huge project of their own. In the photo, I'm almost to the end of it all!

 I started the lap afghan intending for it to be a vest for myself, but by the time several months had elapsed, I lost another size or two and the vest back was now too big.  Some of these yarns are impossible to frog (rip-it, rip-it).  So I added several more inches of rows running down the side of the piece, then resumed the vertical rows - and an afghan was born.  Here is the afghan on my "workstation" - a footstool at my desk where SueSue Schnauzer likes to "test drive" my work!

I'm so amazed at the quality and vast quantity of beautiful, soft yarns out there now! There are too many to list here, but they will all be listed on the afghan pattern when it's completed. What's my favorite? My very, very favorite of them all? Boy that's a tough one, but I think it would have to be Infatuation. It's a yarn from Hobby Lobby and it's soft and silky, yet a bit fuzzy, and it feels like magic in your hands. My second favorite is Pitter Patter, a Bernat baby yarn. It feels like thick terrycloth gone softer somehow. The third prize winner is Enchantress, a newer yarn from Hobby Lobby that has a great feel to it plus sequins! And you don't get to be "SheilaSparkles" without some sequins in your afghan, right?! The stitch is a simple Moss stitch, the yarn is the star here.

If I had the time, everyone on my Christmas gift list would get one of these in their favorite color. But I just realized, I could make a pillow cover instead... hmmm! A decadent nappie pillow, what's not to like!

I worked up the directions today for the Crochet Illusion Necklaces I have been making for over a year now. There are also instructions for a bracelet, and a bit of info about semi-precious gemstones. There's also a suggestion to go shopping in your own jewelry box and look for old pendants you no longer wear - you can give a whole new life to old pieces.

In between the afghan and the website work, I've been working on a little sewing project.  Over the last year I bought several Norma Kamali stretchy knit tunic tops while they were sold at WalMart, because I simply adore them.  Unfortunately all of her tops have these ginormously long sleeves. I'm assuming you should wear them all pushed up in folds or something, but I hate that! I like 3/4 sleeves. So the other day I started cutting off all the sleeves and hemming them to fit me. That in itself was rewarding. But I started tossing all the sleeves in a pile, thinking maybe I could make matching headbands to the tops. After removing the seams from a couple of sleeve remnants, I found there was enough fabric there to combine a bunch of them and make them into a camisole top - so that's what I'm going to do! They're in everything from red to leopard so it may be just a bit wild. If it turns out cute, I'll show you.

On the schnauzer front, everybody is actually well now! That is such a wonderful thing. No one else has come down with parasites after Koby, and he is all better now back to his moo-ing little self! Ladybug is completely better and regaining weight. Bailey doesn't know it yet, but he's getting a badly needed haircut tomorrow!

'Til then, -s

Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Harry Didn't Have To Die Today.

Harry, happy and healthy, in better times with me. 

Harry was a 9 pound "toy" Miniature Schnauzer. He lived in my rescue, Sheila's Schnauzies, for six years. Last year, incredibly (I thought at the time) a lady in Liberty, Missouri wanted to adopt him as a companion for her other toy Miniature Schnauzer. Both dogs had issues with biting and snapping and she assured me Harry would be no problem to deal with, she was very used to that. Okay fine.

Apparently she was getting ready to leave on a vacation in early October and she contacted a local rescuer, telling her she needed to get rid of Harry THAT day.  Well, things don't usually happen quite that fast in rescue - foster homes and transport must be arranged, all kinds of things. Anyway she wasn't willing to deal with the rescuer's suggestions and tried to give Harry to a family with kids in Kansas. Well,  obviously that didn't end well. After 30 minutes the family called wanting to get rid of him. She picked him back up, and her next stop was apparently to the Liberty, MO animal shelter, where she dumped him on October 17.

Harry,  in a photo that was included with the email - obviously terrified, uncared for, and his tail down. He NEVER held his tail down. 

Fast forward to today.  Another rescuer who became aware of the situation did her job, putting the email word out about Harry. We frequently crosspost rescue dogs in hopes that someone, somewhere, could help them.  I received a frantic phone call from my volunteer, Sheryl, who lives in Iowa, just before lunchtime. She had received the email about Harry and immediately recognized him.

I hung up and called the Liberty animal shelter and had to leave a message. They called me back in about 30 minutes with some very sad news.  Harry had been euthanized just this morning. I missed saving his little life by a couple of hours. I was just absolutely sick with grief.  How could this have happened! We had an agreement with the adopter that if for any reason she didn't want Harry, she must contact us and we would take him back.

I managed to contact her by phone shortly after, and let her know Harry was dead.  She had absolutely no reaction, no remorse, no nothing. I asked her WHY she had not called us and her response was, "I wasn't gonna send him back to you guys." I asked her why in the world not, and her reply was "We don't need to discuss this - we aren't going to talk about this" and hung up on me. And that was that.

I have written so, so many times about the fact that there are two kinds of people where animals are concerned - those that view them as property, and those who view them as souls.  I am obviously from the latter category, and this adopter is obviously from the former. I just don't get it. She spoke to two different rescue groups, and had help offered; she had a contract agreement to contact me, and didn't; instead she chose to sentence him to death by dumping him at a high-kill public shelter.  She damn well knew better.

Nothing will ever help me get over this. All I can do is to learn a big freaking lesson from it - don't trust people where animals are concerned.  Or as Reagan said, "Trust - but verify."  Anyone who adopts a dog from me in the future will agree to a vet reference, a background check, employment verification, and who knows, maybe a credit check.  Hey, they have to be able to afford to maintain the dog and with this lady, it was apparently an issue. If she was leaving on vacation, and had the choice of boarding one dog or two... maybe finances were a factor, I don't know.

I can never thank the rescuers who got involved enough for their efforts.  Everybody tried, everybody pulled together to save him - I found out one of the KC rescuers actually had an adoption placement for Harry and they were going to pick him up today!! Sadly, we were all just a hair too late. Nobody's fault.

Right now I am beyond anger, somewhere in the land of rage... and when I am there, the best thing is for me to be quiet and calm down and get my focus back. So for the next few days I will be holing up and caring for my furkids, and trying to remember some happy moments with Harry.   But watch out - after that, there will be action.  As in legal, if I can raise the funds.  And definitely tightening up our adoption process and contracts.

Hug your furkid if you have one. Help a shelter pet if you don't. Do it in Harry's name, and I thank you.

Thursday, October 20, 2011

One Hour At A Time...

I told a good friend today, who is going through tough times of a different sort than mine, "These are the times that we can only survive one hour at a time.  Anything more than that, we'd never make it."  And I was not kidding, either.  It's hard to be in pain and have to do things that violate doctor's orders (like bending over and picking up a 20# sick dog). Or mop up one accident after another from the floor.  (Yes, it is possible to mop with a walker. One skill I'll be happy to forget just as soon as I can!)  BUT as long as you do no harm to yourself, and you survive whatever the situation was, it does give you a very large feeling of accomplishment.  (Or is that Superwoman Syndrome?) 

Weather here was pretty today but we did have our first official freeze. So know what I did today? I equipped my walker and took it down the 3 little front steps and watered my front gardens. I really enjoyed it. There was no one here. Well Cari was, but she left before I came back in. I had my phone. No mishaps other than I overturned my walker right after I went out and had to retrieve it... no biggie. At least I didn't go with it. Everything is SO dry here. I just couldn't stand it any longer. Now that it's frozen, we're supposed to have pretty weather for at least another week. I'm at the point I wish it'd just hard freeze and be done with it so I can quit worrying for the winter. They can't be too dry going into winter, stuff will die. 

I go to the doctor Monday afternoon for staple removal. Oh goodie, can't wait. Staples are absolute torture for me, especially after the last time when it went too many days. It hurt like a SOB.  Like, I was bawling. Anyway after the staples are out, the good part of healing starts, and I'll get better and better. I still am pinching myself that it's really done. 

Ladybug is so much better, improving and getting stronger every day!  Unfortunately Koby now has what she had, and is in very bad shape, in the not-eating phase.  I've spent the better part of the day feeding him a liquid food mixture with an eyedropper. At least he is accepting that, thank goodness.  

Who says you can't be post-op and care for two sick schnauzers? Check out this photo. I just had to snap it. Koby was a terrible mess when he woke up, and I had to give him a bath in the kitchen sink. Here he is post-bath, curled up on my walker, off to the living room to be dried on the footstool in front of my chair.   He is such a good boy.  You can make anything work if you have to! 

And here is Miss Ladybug, who thought it would be helpful if she sat on Koby's back to help dry him off! (Lucky she is very light!)

I'm gonna run now, time to feed the furboy again. I'm doing about every 90 minutes. I have to give him insulin at 2 am, then we are going to catch a nap.  Goodnight, world. 

Wednesday, October 19, 2011

And The Hits Just Keep On Coming....

I'm one very frustrated little person right now. I can say with absolute certainty that the one thing you do NOT want to do eight days after a hip replacement is break up a dog fight at 1:30 a.m. It is not a good idea, it will not end well, and there will be consequences. I was up being insomniac and decided to fix myself a cup of coffee. Then I decided to put the dogs all out for a quick last potty before bedtime. At the same time, Cari had just come in for the night and thankfully was still up. Not even half a minute after letting them out, I heard the fight break out. Not a fight, an outright attack. SueSue had decided to again attack poor tiny defenseless Ladybug, who is just getting a bit stronger after being very seriously ill.  This was the fourth such attack in the last two months. I thought for sure I had corrected the problem with Sue the last time, as it had been several weeks since the last attack. I guess not. It was just pure reaction, somehow I was out the back door onto the patio, pulled Sue off of Ladybug, put her in the back door, grabbed Ladybug, and then froze at the back door as I realized I didn't have my walker! Apparently I'd abandoned it in the kitchen when I flew into action. I managed to violate three major rules - no lifting, no bending, and no weight bearing - all within about 15 seconds. Nice.

Sue had to go into the kennel for the night and Cari brought Ladybug in to me to check out. It appears now she has some type of injury to her front little foot.

All this happened to begin with because I couldn't sleep. I woke up two hours after going to bed with my hip hurting. The actual incision started stinging and hurting this afternoon while I was out going to my neurologist appointment. Yes, it's red and ticked off on the whole lower third. Probably infected. I have to call the surgeon about that in the morning.

The good news from the neuro was that we can discontinue IVIG transfusions for a while and give my veins a rest. We are going to try some other treatments instead and see how they go.

I just finished my striped vest a few minutes ago. It looks too small to me. If it actually fits I'll probably faint. At any rate, I do like the design. Horizontal stripes in back and vertical in front. Pictures soon! All in grays/blacks/whites with sequins here and there.

Well, off to bed before anything else goes wrong! Night to the world.

Monday, October 17, 2011

Wham!! But It's A Good Thing...

How did I manage to not write here for over two weeks? I've no idea... I do know I was somewhat frantically trying to get ready for surgery the 10th. Because the surgery was postponed four times, I kept telling everyone, "I'll believe it when I see it."  I was still saying that to myself when they gave me the happy drugs in pre-op! Even then, I was afraid I'd wake up and they'd tell me they had to cancel for some reason or other.  But no... it was done. I had everything in the house as ready as it could be - not for everyone while I was gone, but for ME when I came back! I remembered the last homecoming from hip surgery in March all too well! When I went in the bathroom to check out the new elevated toilet seat, it fell off to the left and I nearly crashed to the floor! One of the clamps had not been fastened. I remember nearly having a heart attack at the time.  That was the one really good thing about having the same surgery twice - I knew exactly what to expect and could avoid many of the mistakes from the first time. The last time, it was two days before I actually found a comfortable place where I could sleep. This time, I had the bed fixed up correctly and the covers turned down. I was ready. Here I am the night before the surgery, petrified, but hopeful.

The two things I was not prepared for were the pain and immobility. It's a lot like childbirth. You remember you were in pain - a lot of pain - the first time, but the physical memory of it fades somehow. I believe God planned it that way - otherwise there would be no second children! I knew that I would wake up hurting. I had discussed my special pain management situation (because I'm a chronic pain patient, things have to be done differently) with my surgeon. Everything was perfect. Except for the Hospitalist, that doctor who doesn't know you from Adam and decides to reinvent everything. This lovely doctor decided I did not need ANY pain meds - including my normally scheduled ones - unless I asked for them! I had an amazing nurse, Carol, who kept me "off the ledge" for several hours that first post-op night until the doctors could be bothered at home, orders revised, and drugs ordered for pain. In short, it was Hell.

And that is the "Wham." You go from survival-in-constant-pain mode, which is one thing... and postop hip replacement, which is "back to square one" in an instant.  The next morning, things were better. From the last time, I knew that I would have to stand up, walk to the bathroom with my walker, and take a shower sitting down.  Did that. Dressed in a shorts outfit (required attire at "Joint Camp").  Soon it was time for lunch, a picnic affair served by volunteers. At Joint Camp, every patient is on virtually the same schedule. Everyone gets operated on Monday. Everyone stands up Tuesday morning and gets their IV out (unless there's an issue, like me). Everyone goes to lunch together. Everyone goes to PT together. It's a well-oiled machine and brilliant in its efficiency and simplicity, in my opinion.  After lunch, back to the room for a quick nap. Then it was time for PT, back in the same room we had lunch in. After another quick nap, 6 pm and time for dinner. After dinner we could enjoy our only real free time of the day.

Wednesday is a big working day. Lots of PT and another picnic lunch with a different menu.  On that day, those patients who hadn't been through it before learned how to climb stairs, how to step in and out of a shower stall or bathtub, and how to get in and out of a car.  They have a car simulator right there that you actually climb in and out of! After afternoon PT and nap, it was time for gourmet dinner - this time with a guest  (We made our meal selections well ahead of time).

On Thursday morning, physical ability tests are passed (or not) and decisions are made. In order to go home, one has to be able to get in and out of the car, climb the same number of stairs one has at home, do the bathtub thing, walk 50 feet with the walker, get up and down unassisted from the chair, and dress oneself head to toe including shoes with no assistance.  If a person can't do any of those things, s/he is sent to a rehab unit where they stay until they can care for themselves. I went home.

At home, more drama awaited.  My Miniature Schnauzer, Ladybug, had gotten desperately ill the Thursday before. She was dehydrated, had ear infection and two types of worms. I gave her all the medications and nursed her through the weekend, but on Monday morning at 0600 I had to be out the door.  My daughter Cari took over Lady's care at that point, and did a damn fine job of it. She took her back for her follow-up appointment at the vet, and at that point she was still refusing any food. They gave her another medication to encourage her to eat and a prescription for special recovery food. When I arrived home Thursday afternoon, she had just eaten for the first time - a hard boiled egg. I knew the worms had to be dead by then, so it had to be the ears. My son John's girlfriend Janette and our friend Heidi both came over to spend the evening, so I got one of them to hand Lady to me so I could work on her ears. I pulled hair until her ears were spotless. Or hairless:) Then I put in the antibiotic drops, and spent the rest of the night feeding her eyedroppers of Pedialyte. I did take a nap on the couch for a couple of hours but was too uncomfortable (and worried) to sleep much.

On Friday morning, I managed to cook her some hard boiled eggs and she ate those with relish. She was starting to turn the corner. We stayed with the eardrops and warm packs to the ears and just nested for the day in what I call "survival mode." I crocheted, worked on websites, went from one activity to another as I felt like it. Lady was drinking huge amounts of water and, unable to hold it, making huge puddles everywhere. (If anyone ever asks you, it IS actually possible to mop while walking on a walker with an IV in your arm. Just don't ever tell anyone - they'll expect you to do it!)

That day, we had the big breakthrough.  I opened the can of prescription food Cari had bought and here comes Lady from the living room, investigating the great smell. I put the tiny dog, who by now weighed less than 7 pounds, in the kitchen sink with the open can of food. She went crazy! Devoured every single bite.  Later on I made her two eggs and she ate almost an entire carton of yogurt. She was hungry!!  That afternoon the nurse came to do a transfusion at home, and sadly she was unable to use the IV we had left in from the hospital. Luckily though the new line only took two attempts and the whole thing ran like a charm.  (The Thursday before, it took eight hours, four nurses and seven IV starts to get it done).

On Saturday morning, Ron helped me get out onto the patio and stayed there (to supervise all the dogs around me) for about 20 minutes. It was wonderful to be outside and the weather was gorgeous.  On Sunday morning, she started wanting to go outside with the other furkids. Fabulous! She still made a few puddles today (Monday) but nothing like she had been. Thank God, because I was so worried about her possibly having become diabetic. She has definitely improved 100% and barring any complications, all we have to worry about is getting the weight back on her.

When the family started arriving home around 5, I managed to shower and get clean clothes on which was heaven - always is. Tossed my wet hair into braids and got comfy for another long night - which it was.

I still can't believe the surgery actually happened. There were so many things that could have gone wrong. But this time they didn't, and I am so grateful! I got through the surgery with zero complications. I know from experience that every single day (unless I overdo it) I will feel a tiny bit better and get a tiny bit stronger. I know I'll have a lot of awkward helpless moments but at least this time I'll know in advance that the ridey-cart will NOT clear the "handicapped" restroom at the 72nd Street Walmart!  Basically, all I have to do is work hard, not work TOO hard, try to eat, (I don't want to) and keep a really good attitude - if I do all that, I will be rewarded by a leg I can actually stand on without a knife sticking up my groin and another one stabbing me in the knee (that's where hip pain refers to). I'll be back to the good-old-days where all I had to deal with was failed back surgeries, back pain, stiffness, being  half blind in one eye, having a neuromuscular disease that makes me have to have frequent transfusions, a clotting disorder that can wreak dire havoc in any part of my body, and arthritis that could decide to attack another joint any time it wants.  Whew! I say all that tongue-in-cheek... although it's true, I don't CARE.  I'll deal with it. The right hip started giving me problems over 10 years ago. The left hip showed its ugly head with cruel timing, just as the right hip started to feel a lot better after the first surgery. SO not fair.  Point being, I've endured a lot. I'll continue to endure a lot... but it's one less VERY huge thing.  And right now, that's hope. And hope is everything.

Sunday, October 2, 2011

Walnuts, Walnuts Everywhere!!!

I have never SEEN so many walnuts in all my life! It's been a bit windy off and on the last couple of days and it is just raining walnuts! We have a number of walnut trees here and they must have had a bumper crop, because I don't recall it being like this last year! They're quite the hazard, covering the steps, driveway, everywhere!  Poor Ron's been shoveling them up by the garbage bag full, filling up one after another... and it still hasn't made a dent! He had to shovel them up twice just today. We have been warning all our visitors to watch out for stepping on them! 

On my next door neighbor's encouragement, I cracked one open and actually tried it... and it was yummy! Now I want to save some of them, but it would be SO much work picking all those nuts out. If only there were a market for them!

Not sure where the weekend flew off to. The day after my sister left, my hip was totally "out" and spent a couple of days in dire pain. I started feeling a bit better on Friday but a nearly hour-long wait standing in line at the DMV fixed that. Did manage to get to the store for a few things, and picked up Koby's food for the month. I also picked up some yarn from Hobby Lobby for the vest I'm working on designing right now.  I fell in love with this yarn they had, "Bamboo Spun," in the color "Naturals." It's a mix of taupe, brown, gray and black and the feel of it is amazing. It will have to merit its own whole project in the future, for sure. For now, it's a stripe in the vest. 

My bff Sally has spent the past week in the hospital. I am just devastated that I cannot be there with her. I'm supposed to be having this hip done a week from Monday and I just cannot do anything now except work on getting over this infection and getting stronger for the surgery.  I know she understands, just like I understood when she was too ill to come be with me in the hospital. It just stinks that we have to live so far apart, and when one of us is sick it's really bad.  To make it worse, she is facing a very long hospital stay followed by a stay in skilled nursing rehab for wound care. Lots of prayers needed there for sure. 

Went out today and planted the spider lilies I received from a garden friend. At least they are safe in the ground now. I dug up a few plants to send her, but don't have them packaged yet. 

Well, guess that's all the big news for today. Fading fast...  Here is a picture of my granddog Winnie in her new 'My Little Pony' shirt that Grammy had to get her at Petsmart! I adore this little girl. 

Inbox Dollars